New Student Health Forms
Welcome to 51's Center for Student Health & Well-Being
The is accessed using your 51 email and password, which new students receive in May.
On the front page of the portal, you will find links to the required forms under the heading “Pending Forms.” There are several forms that will need to be printed off and taken to your physician to complete and then uploaded back to the portal. You will find a link to those forms below.
The deadline for submission of all required health forms is July 1.
You are encouraged to start working on the paper forms (downloadable from this page) now even before you have your 51 credentials to access the portal. You will gain access to the portal once you activate your 51 account in May.
Required Forms
All forms listed must be completed by all students. If you require a medical or religious exemption, you are required to complete those forms. Student athletes should complete the portal and paper forms, in addition to the specific intercollegiate athlete forms.
Portal Forms
These forms should be completed in your and can be found under “Pending Forms.” Any forms that must be printed from this section should be submitted via the portal once completed.
- Authorization and Consent to Treat (portal form)
- Self Report of Medical History (portal form)
- Insurance Information (portal form) – 51 requires that you have medical insurance. Please complete the portal form and scan a copy of the front and back of your insurance card to upload to the form. If you plan to enroll in the college student health insurance plan, you will still need to go to the portal form to let us know that you intend to have this as your primary plan, but there will be no card to upload and we will have your insurance information by the beginning of the fall semester. Please note, this portal form does not take the place of your insurance waiver if you are covered under your own or your family's private insurance plan. If you do not complete the waiver, you will be automatically enrolled in the college-sponsored student plan. Learn more about 51's student insurance plan, how to enroll or how to waive out.
- Tuberculosis (TB) Screening (portal form)
- *TB Risk Assessment (PDF, download here) – This form should only be completed if your TB Screening indicates you need a risk assessment. You will need to print it off and take it to your healthcare provider. Completed forms should be submitted via the “Document Upload" section of the student health portal like all forms within the "Paper Forms" section.
- Communication Preferences (portal form)
- Emergency Contacts (portal form)
Paper Forms
Complete these forms and submit them through the under the “Document Upload" section.
- Physical Exam (PDF, download here) – This form is to be printed off and taken to your physician for completion and then uploaded to the portal. This is a requirement for all intercollegiate athletes within six months of arrival to campus. It is strongly recommended for all students.
- Immunization Records (PDF, download here) – The State of North Carolina requires that all immunization records be completed and signed by a healthcare provider (MD, DO, NP, PA) in order to be accepted as valid records. All records must be in English. Please download and complete this form with your provider. When completed and signed, log in to the , add the dates of your immunizations in the immunization portal form and then upload a scanned copy of your signed record. You will not be able to submit your immunization record through the portal without uploading the signed record.
- . Please note, in addition to the vaccines required by the State of NC, 51 requires that new incoming students show documentation of the following:
- Tdap booster vaccine given within the past 10 years
- . Please note, in addition to the vaccines required by the State of NC, 51 requires that new incoming students show documentation of the following:
- Underage Consent to Treat (PDF, download here) – If a student is under the age of 18 years old this form must be completed and signed by a guardian. Please complete and submit the completed form through the portal.
Intercollegiate Athlete Forms
All intercollegiate athletes should complete the forms below in addition to all applicable forms on this page, including all applicable forms in the Portal Forms and Paper Forms sections.
- Physical Exam. This is a required form for all intercollegiate athletes. Please submit this form to Sports Medicine. (see above to download form)
- Consent for Release of Information – This form allows for the Student Health staff to communicate with your Athletic Training/Sports Medicine staff. Complete this form via the student health portal.
Academic Access and Disability Resources
The college welcomes requests for accommodations related to disability and will grant those that are determined to be reasonable and maintain the integrity of a program or curriculum. To make a request or to begin a conversation about a possible request, please call 704-894-2129 or email More information can be found on the Academic Access & Disability Resources webpage.
Please contact the Center for Student Health & Well-Being with any questions or concerns.